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(불교신자의 외침)

2014년 4월 12일 토요일

★ (Voice from Hell) Shouts of Luther (You can’t see Jesus without tearing Calvin’s Doctrine)

(Voice from Hell) Shouts of Luther (You can’t see Jesus without tearing Calvin’s Doctrine)
(Deok Jeong Sarang Church, Rev Kim Min Sun, djsarang.com)
Ah~~~! Ah~~~~~~! Though I have shouted the religious revolution, Though I have shouted the religious revolution, I fell down here, too! I couldn't escape, eitherThough I have shouted the religious revolution, I couldn't make Heaven!  After all, I have fallen here Hell~~!
What did I shout with?  What did I oppose with?  For whom did I shout for a religious revolution?  For whom did I cry for independence~~~?  With what did I shout to be separated from Catholics? I am vanity of a man!
Ah~~! I am in vain!  Just like foam of water!  All came just like foam of water!  Though I cried for religious revolution, I fell into Hell after all!  I came to Hell after all~~~!
What was the beginning of the mistake?  Where did I miss correct button hole? From where did I Martin Luther made mistake in buttoning up my dress? Which button did I make mistake putting in a wrong hole?
Maybe from the first button it was wrong~~~!  Ah~~~~ Ah~~~!  I might have been wrong from the beginning!  I might have done it by my flesh passion!  It could have been my blood and strong will power, not by the power of Jesus!  I might have been doing in my blood and my self-righteousness!  Jesus was missing everywhere!  All was done without Jesus!  So did I come to Hell!  So did I come to this Hell!
I thought I was better than Calvin!   I thought I was better than Calvin!   Calvin was a merciless and cruel man!  No one could find any trace of love in him!  He was a conservative, a total conservative!  He rejected and killed anyone who opposed his doctrine!  I don’t know how many people Calvin has killed!  No one knows how many Calvin has killed~~~!  He killed too many beside the official statistics! 

didn't know he was such vile and evil man!  He preached Jesus through his mouth, and also shouted the religious revolution like me, but how evil could he been!  No one couldn't be more evil than him!  He killed all other sects who have been criticizing his doctrines as wrong or different from theirs!  He killed them in secret!  Calvin was such evil one!
Things about Calvin have been so much distorted!  About Calvin gone so so so distorted!  He was not an honest man at all!  About Calvin gone so so so distorted, about Calvin gone so so so distorted!  More than martin Luther, Calvin has left great achievements!  Eventually his doctrine has been attracting many people to Hell!  Eventually his doctrine didn't draw people to Heaven but to Hell, as a result many souls have been falling down to Hell like rain!

Forgive me please! I didn't know Calvin was such an evil man!  Didn't know Calvin was such a man~~! Calvin was an intellectual man!  He was an intellectual man!  Intellectual people kill those who believe in Jesus well!  In this world, those intellects are killing good believers of Jesus!  It was just like that at the time of Calvin, too!
Only Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, believe in Jesus well!  Calvin killed all of those who have been obedient to the word of God!  Although he shouted the reformation of religion, many sheep have been sacrificed, yeah; the religious revolution has caused too many sheep sacrificed!  didn't know that many people would die!  I didn't know that many people would die!  Didn't know it would result that many people that many sheep would have sacrificed!

I never have imagined that Calvin would do that!  I didn't know he was such cruel man!  Never imagined he could that cruelly kill people!  It was so awful!  Too awful~~~!  Never imagined that Calvin would turn like that! I did not know he’s turned like a demon!

The devil might have used Calvin’s intelligence! He learned too much! He was so because he learned too much!  That much of knowledge might have turned him mad!  Ah~~~!  Please take me out of here~~~!  All have been shouting the religious revolution for their own self!  To make own achievement!  Own book has to be right!  Own book has to be 100% right although the writer recognizes something is wrong!  All others should recognize the book as a perfect writing!  Own doctrine has to be correct!  Calvin insisted that his doctrine was all correct although he knew it was missing the target when he examined with the Bible and the doctrine of predestination!
Calvin was too dogmatic!  He was so self-righteous!  Self-centered!  He never considered others even a bit!  Calvin was such a man I knew, how distorted has Calvin been? History has been wrong~~~!
Because the Catholic was so wrong at that time, because it was strongly biased toward humanism, the age of the Holy Spirit was completely missing!  The Popes were above Jesus and God by the politics of Popes!  The Catholic had been terribly corrupted!  They never preached about repentance at all! So I shouted the religious revolution, because the popes had been drenched by materialism and adultery!  I could not hold myself upon seeing them, so I had shouted the revolution of religion!  From where did I make mistake?  From where~~~~?
Please take me out of here, just once!  Return my life back!   I wish I went back again!  I wish the time would be reversed!  I would have rather not shout the religious reformation!  I should have left all things as was until Jesus did something; I should have waited until God would discipline the Catholic!  Too big an event had happened because I shouted in my bloody passion and for my self-righteousness!  I had allowed that awful Antichrist Calvin who devised that wrong doctrine, the doctrine of Satan!  Too many people have been falling down to Hell because of that evil doctrine!

I was wrong, I made big mistakes~~~!!  I was wrong, I did wrong~~~!  Lord, I was wrong, Lord, I did wrong~~~!  Lord I was wrong~~~! 
 (Martin Luther was kneeling down in linen for those unsaved soul – brownish and grayish – in a wide area much wider than a torturing place for a one soul!  His upper part of waist was wound with something like fishing lines!  His shoulders were draping down and tied with fishing lines.  His neck also was wound with same fishing lines!  The center of his tongue was hooked with a fishing hook, and his ears were hooked as well!  He was the same as a fish caught when we fish! Ah~~~~~~~~~~
As Martin Luther’s back was shown to me, I saw many, very many hooks hooked all the way to his head!  There was a pole standing nearby where all the fishing lines were fixed.  As the fishing lines were pulled, his flesh was stretched and stretched!  And his neck and shoulder where the lines wound were squeezed by the line!  And the flesh was burning with flashes of fire and the lines are sinking into his flesh!  He was as if an object under a soldering gun, like solders melting with a lot of sparks!)
Ah~~~~ Lord made me a fisher of men, but I have caught many souls into Hell with these fishing lines, so I am receiving this punishment!  I am punished in this way because I have caught many souls with the hooks; bates on the hooks also were souls; They all have fell down to Hell because of me!
Someone should preach, someone should preach! That the doctrine of Calvin is totally wrong and completely missing the target!  It draws many souls into Hell NOT to Heaven, shout out and preach this, please tell people~~~!
 (The hook on his tongue was pulled and the tongue was stretched very long, and it was vibrating, as Martin Luther screams~~~!)
I supposed to be a true fisher of men but a fisher catching people into Hell!  Not a fisher of men who leads souls to Heaven, but I became a fisher who leads people to Hell! 
Many pastors in this age are changing just like that! They are turning to fishers of men who catch souls into Hell!  They are using souls for bate! All are drawn to Hell!
There absolutely is NO SALVATION in the Catholic, but many Catholics are following Popes and fathers (priests) by believing they will be saved. With a little thought they would realize that they are going on wrong ways, but they cannot understand!  Catholics enjoy easy and comfortable religious life!  They can easily compromise with the world even they observe ancestry worship.  They clearly are violating the 1st and 2nd commandments.  They believe that it all is OK after their confessions to their fathers (priests)!  When they die, they all will end up Hell, when they die without repenting of their sins, they all will go to Hell, and many Catholics are just living like that!
Therefore, I Martin Luther shouted the religious revolution, but it called terrible results!  Ah~~, I never imagined that the work of Calvin could be this big!  Never expected to be this big!
Do you know what’s wrong with the doctrine of Calvin and the Catholics?  It’s REPENTANCE after all!  Repentance is not important to them!  Once you are drawn by it, you won’t let it go; that soul is confident with his salvation and is finished!  That is wrong in the Catholicism and Calvinism.  They live without repentance!  They think repentance is so easy, that I am already saved and I am already chosen and I am already elected!  Once they think they are saved, they do not see any necessity of repentance!  This is the doctrine of the Catholic and Calvin!
Therefore eagerly and eagerly diligently and diligently repent hard and hard! Take off the doctrine of Calvin!  Destroy Calvin’s doctrine!  Then you will see Jesus!  Many intellectual pastors have risen because of the doctrine of Calvin and they have been acting as a bunch of Antichrist!  Unless you torn away Calvin’s doctrine, you will never see Jesus!  Otherwise your faith life will be nothing to do with your salvation! 

Think carefullyWhy was the curtain of the temple torn in the middle when Jesus died!  When you come to Jesus, it is meant that He will give you life only when you repent without concerning what kind of sins you have committed!  Whom do you confess your sins to?  Unless you torn away the doctrine of Calvin, you will never see Jesus!  Unless you torn away and jump over the doctrine, you will surely fall down to hell!  Please all the intellectual pastors should understand, because of you many are falling down to Hell!  What are you going to do about this?
Anyway, please jump over and tear down the doctrine of Calvin! Then you will see Jesus and the Bible!  A new world will be opened to you!  If you repent and be filled in the Spirit, you will see a new world though the Bible!  An amazing and invisible realm will open to you that you were not able to see before by your thoughts and knowledge!
The Bible has been opened like that to all those who receive fullness of the Spirit and live in the Spirit.  The Holy Spirit opens, not by Satan. It is opened by the Holy Spirit as it was written by the inspiration of the Spirit!
Understand!  Those intellectual pastors of this age please understand!  If you repent and understand, the souls given under your authority will come alive!  You will even be rewarded when you go to Heaven! Understand, and awake!
How urgent is this age so the Lord is revealing Calvin and me?  And I Martin Luther is revealed, too!  Understand, understand, and awake, if not, the Bible will not be opened to you!  When you read the Bible after praying, the Bible will look different and will be opened!  It will totally be different from those you have been delving into the Bible through your knowledge alone.  You will see totally different realm.
(Thank You God.  I give all the glory to You, Amen)


Be Crazy with Repentance! (Why Should We Crazily Preach Repentance?)

Be Crazy with Repentance! (Why Should We Crazily Preach Repentance?)
Why do we call the testimonies of Heaven and Hell shown through Deok-Jeong Sarang Church ‘the Gospel of Repentance,’ and why those believers who believe the testimonies have to crazily preach repentance with shouts?  Some says “Is this too much biased on only repentance in the preaching?” 
It, however, can easily be understood if one knows the reality of Hell and what an unanimous cry of those who fell down to Hell is. That unanimous cry is “The only one reason I fell down to Hell is that I didn’t repent!”  “If I had repented I could’ve avoided Hell, but I didn’t repent sins I have committed every day, and I didn’t repent before my death, so I fell down to Hell!” 
Therefore if repentance and rebuke are missing from any testimonies, preaching/sermons, revelations, prophecies, visions, gifts, powers, etc., they all are mere deceptions and false.  Why? It is because they don’t help anybody for going to Heaven.  Any gifts, powers, sermons/preaching and testimonies that can’t send people to Heaven are of no use!  If anyone holds onto things that are lacking repentance, they would seek after only visible things on earth and material blessings, and fall down to Hell eventually. 
Repentance never is easy.  It requires to understand the reality of Hell and Lucifer, grace and love of Jesus, and to realize how sinful, filthy and weak person I am, and then repentance may burst out.  No one can repent without humility and lowliness as a result of the convicting work of the Holy Spirit. 
The Lord wraps those who pray and repent daily with the light of the Lord (the bundle of life), but Jesus cannot guarantee the life of those who are living in sins and do not repent.  This means that those who do not repent may suddenly perish and fall to Hell. 
Repentance is this important.  Repentance is all.  It is the beginning and the end.  Thus Jesus, John the Baptist, disciples, and apostles so shouted out “Repent!” 
Lucifer, too, so struggled to prevent repentance for thousands of years and invented the doctrine of Calvin. 
However great achievements were made, How many churches have been planted, how well served,  or how sincerely giving alms and offerings even to death, if not repented, should fall down to Hell.  This is unchanging law of the spiritual realm. 
What then is the mission that must be achieved on earth for any servants of the Lord? Shouting out this repentance, and rebuking believers when they commit sins, so that they may cut the sins away.  If anyone leaves un-repented sins, Hell cannot be avoided.  Going to Heaven is very hard, why people are lightly handling their sins?  After all, one goes to Hell because of sins and one is judged because of sins. 
Now bitter preaching repentance and rebuke you may hate to listen, but once you are in Heaven or Hell, you will understand the hearts of the servants who shout preaching repentance and rebuke sins.  Those who, do not want to listen to the rebuke and preaching repentance, cannot cut their sins off from their lives and will fall down to Hell eventually.  Thank for rebukes!  You servants of the Lord should not hesitate to shout repentance and to rebuke sins with the heart of loving souls.  Do not mind and do not fear of your Church member’s departure! 
Lucifer can’t touch those who repent.  If we don’t repent after committing sins, they legally penetrate inside of us and cause curse, death and diseases.  However, they cannot touch those who daily wash and repent sins with the blood of Jesus, because Lord wraps them with the light. 
Be crazy with repentance.
Crazily shout out repentance.
Know there is nothing but repentance (to avoid Hell) 
* Listen to the voices from Hell below.  Engrave on your heart with what the Lord tells you!
(From the Testimony of Mrs. Joo-nam Thomas in Hell…) 
(Rev. Kim Min-sun) Everyone in Hell says “Hell is true, Hell is true!  Hell is true~~~!!  Lucifer is real being!  Repentance is the only way of life~~~~!!!” 
Though that many people in Hell are repenting with screams, their repentance never work in Hell!  The only chance to repent is during the life in the world!  Therefore we should strive to repent!  
If I have to make only one conclusion of touring Hell, it is “Only repentance is the key to avoid Hell!”  Souls are showering down to Hell because of their un-repented repeated sins.  They do not know what real repentance is. Simple confession with mouth cannot be true repentance.  Many people not only do not know what true repentance but also how to truly repent, because many pastors do not teach the importance and how to repent. 
(Jesus) My beloved daughter, didn’t you see Heaven and Hell?  You should shout out only ‘repentance!’  Shout out only ‘Jesus’ please!  When you do so, you, too, may avoid the punishments of Hell!  Do you know what it means?  If you do not preach, I will require the blood in your hand!  You shall shout to preach only ‘Jesus’ and ‘repentance’!  That only is the way of life and the way to Heaven!  
(Thomas Joo-nam) Please refresh my book once more, the book I Thomas Joo-nam wrote!  Then you will know the difference between the true and the false (testimonies of Heaven and Hell)!  The true testimonies focus only “Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is near!”  Just like the first cry of Jesus, the voice of Gospel shouted by Jesus who came to earth in flesh, “Repent~~~~~!  The kingdom of Heaven is at hand!  Repent~~~~~~~~~~~! The kingdom of Heaven is near!!  Repent, the kingdom of Heaven is near!!”  It will be enough for you if you listen to the voice!
(Jesus) I will protect those people who believe in Jesus and repent, and repenting nations and repenting Churches, and I will be with them!
(From the testimony titled “Shout out repentance!”) 
“Please take me out!  I did wrong Jesus!  I lived without knowing what repentance was!  I didn’t know that repentance was this important!  I knew that confessing with mouth was enough!  Who is going to compensate my soul?  Why they didn’t teach me about repentance?  What are those pastors of this age doing?  Teach how to repent!  If they did, I wouldn’t have to come here! 
What do you think the demons fear most?  What do you think Lucifer and demons are startled and startled at?  What does make them startled and startled and even stop their works in the middle of interfering God?  Every time one repents and shouts repentance, demons flee in surprises!  Every time repentance is shouted from a pulpit demons flee in surprises without even looking back! 
Reproach is disappearing from Churches!  So can they shout repentance?  Can they rebuke sins?  I wouldn’t have to suffer here in Hell if my pastor had rebuked me for my sins!  No one rebuked my sins although I was obscene and vile very much! 
Repent if you don’t want to come to Hell!  Only repentance keeps you out of Hell!  Pastors, please shout preaching of repentance!  Living a good life is not important!  Blessing of eternal life is before material blessings!  
Shout out repentance!  Every Church should preach “Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand!”  That kind of Church is a spiritual Church!  Church praying much is not a spiritual Church!  If a Church shouts out repentance, it is a Church praying much, and a Church that is truly obedient to the words of Jesus!
I will shout out repentance!  That only repentance will bring you to Heaven!  Repentance is not that easy! 
I am so painful! I will work hard, hard to repent if I go out of here, and if Jesus gives only one chance!  Not only repent with lips, I will truly and truly contrite and confess with heart and cut the sins away!  I will live a sin-free life!  I will stop nominal-faith-life but truly believe in Jesus!  I will confess with mind!
I lose my appetite over those pastors rebuke sins again and again!  Then people may begin to repent!  We can’t stay in Churches where sins are rebuked!  We can’t live there because of fear!  We can’t bear at all! 
I hate those humans who repent their sins!  I like and love very much those humans who do not repent but why they don’t want to receive my love?  I hate those repenting!
Therefore you humans hurry and quickly go out!  Go out to the Churches where sins are NOT rebuked!  That way, you may live as well as we live!  Let’s help each other!  It is difficult and hard to both of us!  Too hard!  We will live easy life together where sins are not rebuked!
Only few Churches are rebuking sins!  Why?  Most of pastors are servants of people so they are sensitive to what people think!  They love to seek the glory of man rather than the glory of God!
Glory to only Jesus our Lord!

(Lucifer) Why do you bind us like this?

(Lucifer) Why do you bind us like this?
{An explanation of the situation: Two persons are involved: A witness and the Pastor.  The witness’ soul was separated from the body and brought in Hell according to the will of the Lord. The soul witnessed the devil and interpreted what the devil was saying, while the witness’ body is in the Church with the Pastor. As the devil’s dialog is interpreted, the Pastor was able to converse through the witness.  They have been engaging in such ways for more than several years according to the will of the Lord who ardently wants to reveal the secrets of the devil’s work in this End Days in order to awake His Church.  This article is just one translation of many such works (recordings).  It should be noted that this work is extremely hard and exhausting because the devil and his demons have been attacking the ‘two’ including their church members by both physical and spiritual attacks beyond one can imagine.  I have been excited, alarmed and thankful to the Lord for that each work indeed reveals abundant amount of spiritual secrets of the devil, his kingdom and their operations in such details.  It is our prayers that each reader should prayerfully read and obtain spiritual nuggets before criticizing. I believe the Lord will bless you greatly and will train you as warriors in your spiritual battle as you receive them and practice in your life. Please be aware of the abusive language used by the devil, although it was diluted through translating processes. This is another definite proof that the devil is the filthiest spirit ever.  Sentences have been color coded for the importance of the meanings.}
Ah~~ you a cursed bastard! You crippled son of a bitch! [The devil]
(Ah, Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer is torturing more souls, more souls, punishes more souls, and torturing more souls. He is revenging for his continuous binding by believers with more torturing and more punishing.  All souls are tied together and torture them!) [An explanation of the witness]
You cursed bastard! Sons of a bitch, as you make me mad the more, all the souls in hell will be tortured the more in severe agony and pain.  You people on earth, too, will be harassed and attacked the more, for I Lucifer is enforcing the attacks. [The devil]
I Lucifer hate those sons of a bitch who know the identity of demons and bind this Lucifer and demons! I want to kill them. I hate them.  I want them disappeared! How come they are binding me and demons? How do they know my secrets? Ah~~ I don’t like it! Some who know the secret of demons and me are still our food, of course, but I hate those who really understand the secrets and binding me and cast my demons yes yes in the name of Jesus who loves you so much! [The devil]
Ah~~~ Ah~~! That many, that many souls, didn’t know me and my soldiers demons. But now they come to know me and my minions, as soon as they know they are binding me and cast demons out in the power and authority of the name of Jesus, how come? Ah~~ ah~~ my demons are falling like rain drops at the moment, and that makes me Lucifer surprised and bound, no, you son of a bitch! [The devil]
(The Lord taught us all, could we know anything by ourselves?) [The pastor]
I hate and hate and hate those who know the identity of demons! Ah, Ah~~ you are them,  talking about the faith, faith that believe Jesus, yes, it would have been enough for only you to go to Heaven by believing Heaven and Hell, yes, just believe that.  Why, why are you binding all of us in this brutal way? Why on earth you know the secrets about me and my demons? I am insane, insane, it’s crazy!
Ah I am agonized and annoyed! A son of a bitch, what can you do? Why, why my Lucifer’s dignity is reduced and threatened like this! I am not going to let it happen this way! No way! I am not going to let it happen like that! Yes, you human beings! How dare do you human beings bind me Lucifer and attack my soldier demons in the name of Jesus! 
Ah~~ yes yes yes I will capture them all, I will capture them all, sons of a bitch! [The devil]
(You are now fighting against Jesus.) [The pastor]
I do not fight with Jesus, but fight with you who have the name of Jesus~ [The devil]
(We just call on the name of Jesus, and it’s enough just standing behind Jesus.) [The pastor]
You a cursed bastard! Didn’t they say that your fight is not flesh and blood but against the devil? Yes, you should fight against the devil by sending Jesus who is your commander before you, but how many of you know the spiritual secrets and the identity of us before going to the battle, son of a bitch?
These crippled bastards, do you know why those many servants of the Lord dispute each other, quarrel each other, complain each other, envy and jealous and hate each other, and none of them fight with us at all? Why? 
I Lucifer will trick them the more so none will ever know, believe but doubt about the identity of demons! They will never believe that we are behind all things although they were told so!  Yes, yes, yes, I will harden their heart even harder!  Yes, they may receive the information with joy but their heart will never keep the joy because of lacking roots.  Hearts like stones, hearts like a thorny ground, yes, yes, I will turn all of them into such hearts!  We will arrest their mind and thoughts and they will never understand!
He said that “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life”! But there won’t be anyone who prays and fights to win by understand the spiritual secrets!  You crippled bastards! What does it mean by “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life”? You crippled bastards! [The devil]
(Those, who understand, understand. It is spreading in uncontrolled way.) [The pastor]
You know that you should keep your heart with the power and authority of the name of Jesus, whenever we attack, inject thoughts, deprive your hearts by shaking with all kind of thoughts. There are so many souls who cannot! What will you do?  What will you do because they cannot understand spiritual matter? How could they defend their heart from our attack? How could they obey? Sons of a bitch! Crippled bastards!
We inject thoughts and stir their hearts with confusion and doubts, and then they will be out of control.  Who among them will recognize that it indeed is our attack? Who can know that we are working? Who? Son of a bitch! All won’t know, no, all will not know!  They all are deceived!  Remember Judas Iscariot? He has been with Jesus such a long time, but that crippled bastard was perfectly deceived, all are the same, all are like that!
Whenever greed invades, whenever envy comes in, whenever hatred is germinated, whenever doubt comes in, whenever recklessness invades, whenever rage is stirred, or whenever complain and blame come out, you human cast them out in the name of Jesus so that you must guard your heart against me Satan and demons, crippled bastards, why do you open your hearts to us? Isn’t it called ‘spiritual adultery?  Isn’t it spiritual adultery because you are giving your heart to us, NOT to Jesus? You crippled bastards!
(You will be bound and strapped by us and those deceived will turn back after repenting.)
All won’t guard their hearts, and all, yes, all will be filled by our spirits, not the Holy Spirit!
(Those who are supposed to return will return.) 
Stop fussing and shut up! A cursed bastard! Although many get CD and books from you, you crippled bastard, how many of them can indeed bear fruits? No way! No way!  Unless he or she is a repented soul, unless the heart is plowed, or unless it is a good soil, no one can receive and bear fruit even though numerous words are sowed in, son of a bitch!
(God gives the chance to repent till death.) 
It’s no use, son of a bitch!
(That is my duty, and you may think as you like, I am sowing anyway, and the Lord will do the rest) 
That is right! You just sow the word, and the one who lets them grow is… yes, him, him, do they say his name is Jesus? Ah~ you crippled cursed bastard! Jesus wants to sow the seed of the gospel to more souls so more souls may listen and more may repent and come to Heaven, but where is His servant who is obedient to Him?
(The Lord is establishing such servants) 
Lord Lord? You cursed bastard! Does He do anything alone? Can He alone do everything? Son of a bitch! A crippled bastard! How could He do without those who know His heart through praying, obey and follow? Son of a bitch! I will deprive their hearts so they can’t have the heart of Jesus. I will harden their hearts so they not only don’t want to know what Jesus wants but also don’t want to be involved with and even think about the will of Jesus!
(You may do as you want, we will continuously bind, strap and preach! You do your work, and we will ask lord’s help) 
Ah~~ ah~~ I hate that there are a few who make me so upset, son of a bitch!
(We are only a few, why are you so fussing?) 
Hey, you cursed bastard, the few strap and bind me in the name of Jesus with faith, son of a bitch, isn’t it a big deal, isn’t it a big deal? If it isn’t a big deal, what else is a big deal? Son of a bitch!
(You said it is no use to bind and strap you?) 
Shut up son of a bitch, I’ll kill you! Ah~~ annoying, I hate you!
(Lord does everything) 
Could you arrive at this position, son of a bitch, if not your obedience to those Jesus has shown and taught and let you know?
(What did we obey? Lord has led us here) 
A crippled bastard, where the mouth is blah, blah chatting loudly! Don’t fuss in front of me to play with the name of Jesus, dont want to hear. Hold your mean son of a bitch! How dare in front of me do you lift up the name of Jesus, a cursed son of a bitch!
(Don’t you know that the book of Isaiah says the purpose of creation is to exult and praise God?)
Shut up a crippled bastard!
(How did you forget the purpose of creation and fell down from Heaven?  Should you bear the mission, what are you doing?)
Ah~ crippled bastard, annoying! My mission is to draw all the souls in this land to hell! Judging human beings is my mission! Judging you humans is my mission!
(Jesus is the only Judge. He has judged you, hasn’t He? Dude)
Why is this judgment? I am the king of Hell son of bitch! How dare you mock this king of Hell?
(What are you doing in that darkness? Remember your old self!) 
Ah~~ be quiet son of a bitch, why are you talking about the past again? You crippled bastard: Don’t you have anything more to say? Don’t you? Don’t you, son of a bitch!
(Because I pity you.)
Manage yourself! Take care of your soul, son of a bitch! Where’s Fuck!
(I love to see you repent and serve the Lord.)
This cursed bastard, this insane, insane, insane son of a bitch, this completely insane son of a bitch, insane and insane~~! A cursed bastard!
(Where is the dignity of a distinguished angel before your fall? What are you now? You are so cheap now.) 
Ah~~~ how dare do you underestimate my dignity and honor? Son of a bitch! Don’t fuss around! I will kill you! This foolish bastard, a retarded bastard! Be quiet son of a bitch! What should I do to this bastard? This bastard, this son of a bitch, a retarded, I will kill you! A son of a bitch~~ a crippled bastard, you be careful, this will only hurt your family and your souls!
(I will bind you the more, if you do so) 
I will see how longer you will bind me! I will destroy your family!  I will crush your souls!  I will see how longer you can continue to bind me!
(I cannot do it at all by myself, the Holy Spirit will do it) 
You will see what your problem will be: The Holy Spirit can’t do anything when you are not in the fullness of the Spirit, I will make that kind of situation!
(All I can do is to call on the name of Jesus till the end)
Shut up, be quiet, and shut up! Today I am very, very, very, very tired, I, I, I should be in deep pondering to think about what to do!  I need a lot of wisdom and careful planning!
(Burn up the throne of Lucifer by the flame of the Holy Spirit!) 
Ah~~~~! This cursed bastard, how dare do you speak like that? Be quiet cursed bastard!  I cannot speak anymore today for I am tired!  You bind Lucifer too much so you make me crazy and agonized, son of a bitch!  How can I capture these? How can I beat them up? I am so mad, son of a bitch!  From the young children to old they drive me crazy and agonized and they are mocking at me, sons of a bitch! Ah cursed cripples! My head is breaking and aching, a son of a bitch!
(Give it up, yes; it already is spreading out of control!)
Who is going to deal with my wisdom?
(Burn up the wisdom of Lucifer by the fire of the Spirit! You don’t even have to be agonized, now! You are slashed into pieces, and thrown into the melting water)
Ah, it’s too noisy, shut up, be quiet! Do you know how I have captured the whole world? How did I grab the control of this world! How dare do you bind this Lucifer! How dare do you reveal the existence of this Lucifer? How dare? How dare? You mere human beings, yes, yes, you dare have touched me! You nothingness, insignificant human beings!
(Are we nothing? We are children of God, we are higher than you! You are a doomed one, and you are a loser!)
Shut up and be quiet! Who is a loser? You cursed bastard, are you puffed up? You are arrogant! You have to see the end, bastard!  Who knows that you will be higher than me or fall down to Hell? Fxxxxxx bastard! Isn’t this a crippled insane bastard!
(Repenting before death will be enough) 
Stop being proud!
(It is faith, not pride) 
Faith? You make me laughing, laughing, laughing, faith? Faith?
Heaven? Are you having fun with me?
(I am listening to you not for fun, but for revealing spiritual secrets so I can obey) 
What you are going to do with the secrets? What are you going to do? What?
(If He says “Preach” then I will preach, bind, then bind, and repent, then repent.)
Hooray, hooray, you look great a crippled baster, you are puffed up! I will kill you all! Fxxxxxx sons of a bitch! You insignificant specs! I Lucifer will not leave you in peace, every Church and everyone who binds me!
(You are saying the same thing all the time! One who really threats never makes such loud voice, but stealthily attacks from behind.)
Ah~ I will not leave you alone! I will kill you, you will see, you will see, I will smash and destroy all!  I will make you crippled so you can do nothing! All, all, all, yes, I will destroy the heart and body!  What calling? I will make you cannot do anything by blocking everything! Haven’t I told you? There won’t be anyone who perfects the talents and mission that Jesus gave.  You will see if you can perfect your mission, son of a bitch!  You already cannot do anything! Why? I am blocking every each way! I will attack your people’s hearts and bodies and take them over, so you can’t achieve what Jesus has commanded to you!  I will weaken and weaken your people’s hearts!  I will block your belief and faith, and the love of Jesus as well!
I already have full control over this nation and tribe as well as whole world, you sons of a bitch, crippled bastards!  How dare you untie my bindings and set people free as you wish? Know that I will kill you!
(Are you a coward gangster? All you do is threatening and hit from behind?) 
Hit from behind? Why behind? I hit from front and from the sides, too!
(This lion without teeth go down and paint your nails with manicure! Trim your nails!  The longer you stay here, the more you will be mocked) 
Ah, yes, I know, I know! When you dare to sprat with your mouth the more, the more pain and difficulties I give to this bitch, you will know!  I will give a treat to this bitch so that you will never dare to talk before me, yes, yes, I will deal with this bitch, painfully! Yes, yes, O.K., let’s go on! Yes you son of a bitch!
(I will bind you even stronger than before as you do so.) 
Don’t you know that I can control the heart and thoughts of this bitch as I Lucifer want? 
Ah~~ wow~~ wow~~ my minions of Lucifer, attack all at once! Attack all at once! My minions of this Lucifer receive my commands; attack at once this bitch, all souls here, and their families, attack at once! I command in the name of Lucifer attack all at once! Ah~~ Whoa~~ Lucifer~~~!! Whoa~~ let’s attack!  Whoa~~ Whoa~~ kill them, kill all of them! Whoa~~~ Whoa~~~ whoa~~~~ kill them!  Surround all souls with my darkness! Whoa~~~ Ah the darkness is coming! Coming!  Yes you fxxxxxx bastard, you now are afraid! Yes be afraid! Be afraid! As much as you are afraid, I Lucifer is glorified! Yah~~~ Whoa~~~
(Throw a nuclear bomb of the Spirit on the head of Lucifer! A mace of the Spirit mauls the head of Lucifer! Bind, bind, bind, and bind Lucifer in the name of Jesus!!  Fire ball of the Spirit, the fire ball of the Spirit!  Fall down to Hell!  Leave this daughter alone and fall down to the melting water of Hell!  Burn up the throne of Lucifer and demolish Hell!)
Whoa~~~~! Woeck~~~~~                                                               Glory to the Lord only!