2017년 2월 4일 토요일

pastors and pastor's wife are crying in hell 지옥의 사모와 목사

지옥에 떨어진 사모와 목사들이 울부짖고 있다 .
Now, pastors and pastor's wife are crying in hell.

김민선 목사
Pastor Kim Min Sun (Deok Jeong Sarang Church)
( 설명 ) 교회에서 사모님이 자기 마음대로 교회를 휘둘러요 . 아주 개척교회도 아니고 , 큰 교회도 아니고 , 성도가 백여명 되는데 , 사모님이 자기감정을 주체를 못해요 . 기분이 좋으면 유아들한테도 잘했다가 기분이 나쁘면 권사님들한테도 짜증을 부려요 . 목사님한테도 예배끝나고 집에 들어가면 애들한테 하는 것처럼 막 손가락질을 하면서 뭐라고 그러네요 .

(Explanation) A pastor's wife wields her proud feelings and thoughts in the church. The size of the church is neither very small nor very large. The number of church members is about one hundred, the wife of the pastor of the church is very bad. She can not control her own feelings.When she is in good mood, she is good with infants. But when she is a little bit upset, she is irritated by old men without manners.
그리고 이러쿵 저러쿵 말을 많이해요 . 사모님이 말을 많이 하면서 목사님 머리위에 앉아 있어요 . 목사님이 사모님한테 꼼짝을 못해요 . 성도들한테는 사모님한테 꼼짝 못하는 것을 보이지 않으려고 애를 쓰지만 집에 들어가서는 사모님 눈치를 슬슬 봐요 . 사모님이 하라는대로 다 하네요 . 목사님의 주관이 전혀 없어요 .
She interferes with many things and speaks a lot. The pastor 's wife is sitting on the head of the pastor with a lot of words. The pastor can not move to her.The pastor is very careful not to show such things to the Saints. Sometimes the pastor tries to show his firmness, However, at home, the pastor looks at his wife's attention and does everything she wants. The pastor has no self control.
사모님의 이가 완전 독사이빨 같아요 . 입도 뱀의 입과 같아요 . 뱀의 빨간 혓바닥이 사모님의 입에서 나와요 . 교회가 하나님의 교회가 아니라 사모님 교회가 돼 버렸어요 . 교회식구들을 손에 쥐고 흔들려고 해요 .
The pastor's wife's teeth are like a snake's teeth.Her mouth is like the mouth of a snake.The snake's red tongue comes out of her mouth.The church was not a church of God but a pastor's wife's church. She tries to shake the members of the church into her own hands.
그러다가 사모님을 비판하는 성도들이 나오면 그 꼴을 못봐요 . 사모님이 50 대 초반이에요 . 사모님이 아주 고집이 세고 교만해요 . 목사님이 얘기하면 아예 들으려고도 하지 않아요 . 목사님이 처음부터 아예 그렇게 훈련되어 있어요 . 영적으로 보여주시는데 목사님위에 사모님이 앉아 있어요 .
When the saints criticize this, she never accepts it.Pastor's wife is in her early 50s and is very stubborn, arrogant.She does not listen at all when the pastor directs. The pastor has been habituated from the beginning. Spiritually shows me, Pastor's wife is sitting on the pastor.
목사님 자녀들도 목사님이 얘기하면 무시해 버려요 . 그런데 사모님이 얘기하면 들어요 . 사모님이 아주 짜증이 말도 못해요 . 애들도 그 짜증내는 것이 싫어서 그냥 엄마 말을 듣는 거에요 .
The pastor's children also ignore the pastor's words.When the mother says, the children hear it.because her irritation is too severe,Children listen to their mother to avoid the irritation.
( 독백 ) , 잘못했어요 . 내 남편을 하나님의 종으로 여기지 않았어요 . 내 남편을 내 손아귀에 쥐고 흔들었어요 . 내가 정말 잘못했어요 .
(Her monologue) Oh, I was wrong. I did not consider my husband a servant of God. I shook my husband in my grasp. I was really wrong.
( 그녀의 삶 ) 사모님이 기도도 안하면서 옷같은 것으로 사치하는 것을 너무 좋아해요 . 사모님이 선물주는 성도들만 좋아하고 차별을 많이 해요 . 목사님은 검소하게 살려고 그러세요 . 목사님은 할아버지들이 신는 그런 구두를 신고 있어요 .
(Her life) Pastor's wife loves not to pray, but to luxuriate with clothes.She only loves gift giving saints, discriminating against saints. The pastor tries to live frugally. The pastor wears shoes like old people.
( 독백 ) 잘못했어요 . 나는 하나님의 일을 하기보다 나에게 선물 주는 사람을 더 좋아했어요 . 난 사모의 자리가 엄청 대단한 자리로 느끼고 교만했어요 . 사모의 자리가 철저하게 낮아져야 하는 자리인데도 나는 그것을 깨닫지 못하고 너무 교만했고 완악했어요 .
(Monologue) I was wrong. I liked the saints who give gifts to me more than those who work hard for God's work.I thought the minister 's wife' s position was very great, so I was very proud.The position of the pastor's wife is a place to be thoroughly lowered, but I did not realize it, so I was too arrogant and stubborn.
나는 누가 나에게 뭐라고 하면 들으려고도 하지 않고 그 꼴을 못 봤어요 . 내 남편 목사님이 나를 책망하면 나는 오히려 화를 내고 짜증을 냈어요 . 그러다 보니 내 남편이 나에게 꼼짝 못하게 됐어요 . 잘못했어요 . 내가 교회를 흔들려고 했고 , 주인 행세를 했던 걸 용서해 주세요 .
If someone exhorted me, I did not listen to it and did not tolerate it. If my husband reproved me, I was rather angry and irritable. That is how my life was, so my husband gave in to me. I was wrong. I tried to shake the church and was the owner of the church. Forgive me.
나는 남편을 철저히 무시했고 남편의 머리위에 앉아서 남편을 앞장세워 놓고 내가 뒤에서 조종하려고 했던 것을 용서해 주세요 . 내가 잘못했습니다 .
I completely ignored my husband and sat on the head of my husband. I set my husband ahead of me but tried to steer him behind him. Please forgive my sins. I was wrong.
개척할 때는 힘들어서 배추 시래기를 주워다가 국 끓여서 성도들을 먹이고 그랬는데 , 성도수가 점점 점점 늘다보니 내가 교만해지기 시작했고 , 내가 물질을 사랑하게 됐어요 . 그렇게 사단이 나를 썼어요 . 내가 사단에게 쓰임받았다는 것을 지옥에 떨어져서야 알았어요 . 그런 것들이 죄인줄도 몰랐고 회개치도 안았어요 . 내가 왜 회개해야 하는지도 몰랐어요 .
When the church began, financing was difficult. So I picked up the leaf of the vegetables and boiled it to make a soup.We shared it with the saints.As the Saints increased in number, I became proud and loved the money. Satan led me so.I realized that I had been used by Satan when I fell into hell. I did not know that it was a sin and I did not repent.I did not even know what repentance is.
나는 오직 나를 칭찬하는 사람들과만 친하게 지냈고 , 오직 나의 비위만 맞추는 사람들만 예뻐했어요 . 그리고 그런 사람들을 남편 목사에게 칭찬하며 부각시켰어요 . 진짜 일군들은 내가 완전히 몰아내다시피 했고 , 충성된 일꾼들은 내가 무시해 버렸어요 . 잘못했어요 .
I was only friendly with those who praised me. I only like people who match my temper.I praised and highlighted only those people to my pastor.I was too cold for the real workmen and I acted like I was driving them out.I ignored loyal workers. It is my great sin.
내가 왜 그렇게 시기 , 질투 , 욕심이 많았는지 몰라요 . 누가 나의 남편과 얘기한 하면 나는 시기 , 질투했어요 . 심지어 아이들까지 남편옆에 가는 걸 싫어했어요 . 아이들도 사모님 , 사모님하면 그 아이들을 예뻐했고 , 나를 모른척 하는 아이들은 나 또한 모른척 해 버렸어요 . 특히 젊은 여자들이 내 남편과 얘기하는 그 꼴을 나는 못 봤어요 .
I do not know why I was so hateful, jealous, and greedy.I was jealous and hated if somebody talked to my husband.I hated that even the children go next to my husband."Pastor's wife, Pastor's wife" When the children call me like this I liked them,To the children who pretended not to know me, I also pretended not to know him.Especially when young women talked to my husband I could not see and bear it.
나는 철저하게 내 남편을 내 손아귀에 잡아 버렸어요 . 하나님의 종이라고도 생각지 않았어
. 내가 사모이면서도 천국과 지옥을 믿지 않았어요 . 내 남편도 천국과 지옥에 대한 확신이 없었어요 . 주의 종으로 , 사모로서는 완전히 빵점이었어요 . 내가 내 남편까지 망하게 했어요 .
I thoroughly put my husband in my grasp, and I did not acknowledge him as a servant of God.I was a pastor's wife, but I did not believe in heaven and hell.My husband certainly did not believe in heaven and hell.He lacked qualities as a servant of God.I was totally disqualified as a pastor's wife.I was the wife of the pastor who had ruined my husband.
내가 하나님나라를 무너뜨린 장본인이었어요 . 영혼을 사랑하지 못한 이 딸을 용서해 주세요 . 시기 , 질투했던 나를 용서해 주세요 . 세상 것을 욕심냈던 이 딸을 용서해 주세요 .
I was a woman who broke the kingdom of God.Please forgive this daughter who did not love the souls of the saints. Please forgive this daughter who was filled with jealousy and full of greed of the world.
( 설명 ) 사모님이 성도들이 고기같은 것을 사오면 되게 좋아해요 . 성미 ( ) 도 많이 내는 사람을 좋아했고 , 헌금도 많이 내는 사람을 더 좋아했어요 . 좋은 차 타고 오는 사람들이나 , 화려한 옷을 입고 다니는 성도들의 비위를 맞추느라 애를 많이 썼네요 .
(Her attitude in the world) The pastor's wife was very pleased when the saints bought meat-like items, and liked a person who gave a lot of rice and a lot of money.When the saints with good cars and colorful clothes come in, I taked great care to keep them up.
가난하고 소외된 사람들은 그냥 외면했어요 . 그들은 나에게 아무런 도움을 주지 않는 사람이라고 생각했어요 . 항상 저렇게 돈많고 화려한 사람들이 나에게 무슨 선물을 주지 않을까 생각했어요 .
I turned away when I see poor and marginalized people.I thought that the poor and the weak can not give me anything,I thought that only rich and gorgeous people would give me gifts.
( 독백 ) 내가 무슨 사모야 , 내가 무슨 사모야 . 썩어빠진 사모야 . 완전히 사단에게 속았어 . 사모의 자격이 1% 없어 . 나는 순위를 매겨놓고 사람들을 차별했어 . 개척시기에는 이 정도는 아니었는데 성도가 많아지면서 이렇게 되어 버렸어요 .
(Monologue) How is a woman like me a pastor's wife?Am I not a rotten wife? I was totally deceived by Satan.I did not even have 1% of the pastor's wife qualities. When I met the family members of the Church, I ranked them and treated them differentially. I did not fall so badly at church planting time. As the members of the church increased, I was so deformed.
만일 너희가 외모로 사람을 취하면 죄를 짓는 것이니 율법이 너희를 범죄자로 정하리라 ”( 야고보서 2 9 ).
James 2:9
9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.
( 독백 ) 하나님 , 나 좀 용서해 주세요 . 목사가 아무리 남편이라도 하나님의 종이라는 것을 인정했어야 했는데 인정하지 못했어요 . 용서해 주세요 . 잘못했어요 . 내가 내 남편까지 무너뜨렸어요 .
(Monologue) God, please forgive me. Even though my pastor was my husband, I should have recognized him as a servant of God. But I could not recognize him as a pastor. Forgive me. I was wrong.I knocked down my husband.
( 설명 ) , 사모님들은 들어요 . 목사님을 내 남편이라고 생각하지 말아요 . 사모님들의 손에 두려고 하지 말아요 . 지옥행이야 . 그런 것들은 다 지옥행이야 . 그런 사모님들 있으면 철저하게 회개하세요 . 나는 회개를 안했어 . 회개할 생각도 안했어 . 그게 죄인줄도 몰랐어 . 그런데 하나님앞에서는 그게 엄청난 죄였어요 . 나는 하나님의 일을 완전히 망친 불의한 자였어요 .
(Explanation) Oh, pastor's wife now in the world! Listen to me! Do not think of the pastor as your husband,Do not think of putting a pastor in your hands. It is hell.If you do that, you will go to hell. Such wives now repent thoroughly. I did not repent. I did not even want to repent. I did not even know it was a sin. But in front of God it was a great sin. I was an unrighteous woman who completely ruined God's work.
사모님들은 들어요 . 내 남편이 아니에요 . 철저하게 하나님의 종이야 . 남편이라고 무시하는 사모들은 정신차려요 . 내 기분대로 내 마음대로 교회를 휘두르는 사모들 정신차려요 . 사치를 좋아하는 사모들도 정신차려요 . 나는 다 걸렸어 . 완전히 다 걸렸어 . 한가지도 안걸린게 없어 . 고집피우는 사모들도 정신차려요 .
The minister's wives must listen to me. The pastor is not his husband. Thoroughly is the servant of God.Wives who ignore pastors as their husbands should really be woken up. Wives who live according to their own moods, and wives who wield the Church at their own discretion, should really be woken up. Keep your spirits up. Wives of pastors who love luxury should also get up quickly. I was caught in this. I was completely caught.Nothing has happened. Wives of pastors who are stubborn should be woken up.
교회안에서 짜증내는 사모들 정신차려요 . 왜 짜증을 내는거야 . 나도 그랬어 . 나도 그랬다구요 . 교인들의 기분은 생각하지 않고 내 감정대로 다 해버렸어 . 나는 절제하지 못했어 . 내가 기분 나쁘면 다 휘둘러 버렸어 . 사모들은 정신차려요 . 사모들 때문에 교회 식구들이 지옥에 온다구 . 목사를 자기 손아귀에 쥐면 목사 때문에 당연히 지옥에 오는 것처럼 말이야 . 그것이 사모의 책임이기 때문에 지옥으로 100% 떨어지는거야 .
Wives of pastors who are annoyed in the church! You must wake up from stubbornness.Why are you irritated? I did too. I too did it on earth. I did not care about the feelings of the members, I did only according to my feelings.I did not control myself. If I was in a bad mood, I wielded my judgment in the church. Many pastor's wives should be wise. Because of the pastor's wives, church members are coming to hell. If the pastor's wife grasps the pastor in her grasp, the pastor can not perform the pastoral work normally.As a result, the Saints come to hell.It is the responsibility of the pastor's wife. Of course the minister's wife falls to 100% hell.
목사님은 하나님의 종이야 . 내 남편이 아냐 . 그 순간부터 하나님의 종이야 . 철저하게 그걸 인정해 . 나한테 잘해주고 못해주고를 떠나서 철저하게 하나님의 종이라는 것을 인정해 . 내 손아귀에 쥐려고 그러지마 . 우리 가정의 아빠 , 애들 아빠라고 생각하지도 마 . 하나님의 종이야 . 완전히 그 분들 하나님의 종이야 . 무시하지 마 . 남편을 무시하지 마 . 그것을 하나님을 무시하는 것이라는 사실을 나도 몰랐어 . 하나님 나 좀 용서해 주세요 . 내가 잘못했어요 . 너무 많은 죄를 지었어요 .
The pastor is the first of God's servant and then your husband. The priest's primary duty is the servant of God. The minister's wives must acknowledge it.The pastor's wife should not say what the pastor does or does not do to her. The work of the minister is the first thing to bear the mission of God's servant. It is not the first thing to bear the father 's role in the house.To ignore the pastor is to ignore God.I did not know this .God, please forgive me. I was wrong. I have committed too many sins.
내가 수많은 사람들을 지옥에 보낸 장본인이야 . 나 때문에 교회 나간 사람이 한 두명이 아니야 . 목사님은 좋은데 사모님 때문에 도저히 못 견디겠다 그러면서 교회는 나간 사람이 몇 명인지 몰라 . 나는 그런 소리가 내 남편에게 들릴까봐 조마조마하면서도 얼마나 내 남편을 무시했는지 몰라 .
I am the one who sent many people to hell.There are not a couple of people who left the church because of me.They said the pastor is good but she is not good and went out of the church. How many are such people? I was very worried that their advice would be heard by my husband. But I do not know how much I ignored my husband.
사모들은 정신차려요 . 철저하게 낮아져요 . 남편 앞에 서지 말아요 . 목사 뒤에 서요 . 남편 앞으로 나오지 마 . 내 남편이라고 생각하기 때문에 앞으로 나오는거야 . 철저하게 뒤에서 아무 소리도 하지 말고 있어 . 사모들은 정신차려 . 잘못하다간 지옥에 올 수 있는 확률이 제일 많은게 사모의 자리라는 것을 명심해 . 사모의 자리가 얼마나 중요한지 명심해요 .
Pastor's wives, wake up! Do not be ahead of your husband, stand behind your husband. You will be ahead because you think of the pastor as just your husband. Stand thoroughly behind the pastor. and does not interfere with anything, awake, the pastor's wife is most likely to go to hell. Keep in mind the importance of pastor's wife's position.
나는 그것을 몰랐어요 . 성도들이 많아지면서 내가 대단한 줄만 알았어 . 나의 어리석음 때문에 많은 사람들이 지옥에 떨어졌어 . 내 탓이에요 . 내가 잘못한 것이 남편의 귀에 들어갈까봐 그것을 막기위해 얼마나 애썼는지 몰라 . 그러다보니 거짓말도 많이 했어요 .
I did not know this. As the Saints grew in the church, I mistakenly thought I was a great person.Because of my foolishness many fell into hell.It's my fault. I was anxious that my mistake would be in my husband's ear.I distorted the facts to hide my mistakes to my husband.I had lied to my husband to rationalize my mistakes.
내 남편은 내가 말하는대로 속았어요 . 내가 말하는대로 다 믿었어요 . 내 남편이 하나님의 종이 아니라 내 종이 되어 버렸어요 . 내가 그렇게 만들었어 . 내 남편에게도 하나님이 없었기 때문에 내 종이 되었던거야 . 하나님을 완전히 알고 , 천국과 지옥이 믿어졌다면 내 남편도 나의 종이 되지 않고 철저한 하나님의 종이 되었을텐데 . 내 남편도 아무 생각이 없었고 나 또한 그렇게 사단에게 쓰임받았어요 . 잘못했어요 . 내가 잘못했어요 .
My husband was deceived by my word, he believed everything I said.My husband has become my servant, not the servant of God.I made him like that.
Because my husband did not know God, he became my servant.If he had known God fully, and believed in heaven and hell, he would not be my servant. If he knew the truth correctly, he would have been a thorough servant of God.My husband had no idea and I was also about the truth.We were both used by Satan. sorry. I was wrong.
( 설명 ) 귀신이 그 사모의 손에 너무 너무 날카로운 가시를 쥐어 버려요 . 그리고 눌러버려요 . 그러니까 가시가 살을 뚫고 나오고 피가 나와요 .
(Explanation) The demon puts vary sharp thorn in the hands of the pastor's wife.And push her hand down. So thorns go out through the flesh. Blood flows.
( 독백 ) !!! 잘못했어요 . 내가 정말 잘못했어요 . ~~
(Monologue) Oh! ! sorry. I was really wrong. Oh ~~
( 설명 ) 이번에 새빨갛게 달구어진 불덩이를 양쪽 눈에 꽂아버려요 .
(Explanation) This time Satan puts the red-hot fireballs into her eyes.
( 독백 ) ~ 뜨거워 ! 내 눈이 타 들어가 . 잘못했어요 . 하나님의 종이었어요 . 근데 내 종으로 만들었어요 . 잘못했어요 . 누가 이 불 좀 빼주세요 . 내 감정을 누르지 못한 것 잘못했어요 . 교만했던 것 잘못했어요 . 고집부리던 것 잘못했어요 . 용서해 주세요 . 하나부터 열까지 잘못했어요 .
(Monologue) Oh ~ It's hot! My eyes get burned. sorry.He was a servant of God, but I made him my servant.sorry. Remove this fireball from my eyes.I could not control my jealousy and hate feelings.I was arrogant. I was stubborn, forgive me.Everything was wrong from one to ten.
( 설명 ) 거 기가 완전히 타가지고 새카매요 . 코 있는데까지 새카맣게 타버렸어요 .
(Explanation) Her eyes were completely burned, burned to the nose and blackened.
( 독백 ) 나는 지옥을 믿지 않았어 . 막연하게 천국과 지옥이 있겠지 했어요 . 그런데 지옥이 진짜 있어요 . 나는 지옥에 올 일을 너무 많이 했어요 . 완전히 지옥의 통로로 들어와 버렸어 .사모들은 조심해요 . 아차 하다가 지옥에 떨어져요 . 지옥이 진짜 있어요 . 사모들은 조심하고 , 또 조심하고 조심하세요 . 진짜 사모들이 제일 위험해요 .
(Monologue) I did not believe there was a hell. Just intellectually, I thought there would be heaven and hell somewhere.But hell is real. I have committed too many sins to hell. I entered the path of hell.Pastor 's wives, be careful, if you are careless, you fall into hell. Hell is real. Be careful, be careful and be careful. Pastors' wives are the most dangerous.
, 사모들 봐요 . 남편을 손아귀에 집어 넣어버렸잖아 . 얼마나 교만하고 남편을 휘두르는지 . 정신차려요 . 철저하게 낮아져요 . 나처럼 교만하지 말고 . 저 사모 때문에 교인들이 다 지옥으로 떨어질거야 . 그게 다 사모의 책임이야 . 목사가 확실하게 서지 못하면 사모가 이기질 못해 . 그게 다 사모의 책임이고 목사의 책임이야 . 정신차려요 .
Look at the minister's wife! They have put the pastor in their hands! How prideful and wielding your thoughts to your husband, Waking up wives, thoroughly low, do not be proud like me. Because wrong of the minister 's wife, the members fall into hell. The pastor's wife's responsibility is great. The pastor's wife can not win the world if the pastor can not stand firmly. That is the pastor's wife's responsibility and pastor's responsibility. Be awake
목사님들도 정신차려요 . 사모의 손아귀에 휘둘리는 목사는 목사들도 아니야 . 하나님의 종도 아냐 . 어찌해서 아내들에게 휘둘림을 받고 , 아내들 눈치를 보는거야 . 그것이 사모도 지옥에 보내고 , 자지고 지옥가고 , 성도들도 지옥에 보내는거야 .
둘 다 얼마나 중요한 자리에 있는지 알아 ? 저 사모가 바로 섰으면 목사도 그렇게 되지 않았을거야 . 목사가 바로 섰다면 성도들도 다 천국갈 수 있을거야 .
The pastors, too, please wake up.A minister who is steered according to the thought of his wife is no longer a pastor.Why is the pastor waving to his wife?
Are you seeing your wife's attention?That is to send the pastor's wife to hell, the pastor himself to hell, and the saints to hell.How important is both of them?
If the pastor 's wife is right, the pastor will stand upright.If the minister is right, the saints will stand up and all will go to heaven.
그런데 완전히 지옥으로 쏟아지잖아 . 그게 다 누구의 책임이야 ? 처음에 누구 때문에 그런거야 ? 다 사모란 말이야 . 사모의 자리가 얼마나 중요한지 나는 지옥에 떨어져서 알았어 . 사모는 앞에 나오면 절대 안된다는 것을 알았어 . 교회가 성장하면 뒤로 물러나는게 사모의 자리야 . 앞으로 나오지 마 . 사단의 공격을 제일 먼저 받는 것이 앞으로 나오는 사모들이야 . 정신차려요 . 내가 잘못했어요 . 한번만 용서해 주세요 .
But people are completely pouring into hell.Whose responsibility is that? Who is it for the first time? The cause is the wife of the pastor.I realized how important the minister's wife's position was when I fell into hell.I realized that the pastor's wife should not lead the church.When the church grows up, Pastor's wife's position should be backed away. Do not come forward. The first thing Satan attacks is the minister's wife who comes forward.Everyone, please be quiet. I was wrong. Please forgive me once.
( 설명 ) , 망치로 머리를 위에서 팍 때려 버려요 . 머리가 완전히 박살나 버렸어요 .
(Explanation) Oh, Satan hits her head with a hammer. Her head was completely smashed.
( 독백 ) ~ , 잘못했어요 . 앞에 안 나갈게요 . 목사 앞에 안 나갈게요 . 남편으로 여기지 않고 절대 주의 종으로 여길게요 . 내가 교만하지 않을게요 . 고집피우지 않을게요 . 사치하지 않을게요 . 성도들 차별하지 않을게요 . 한번만 용서해 주세요 . 나 좀 용서해 주세요 .
(Monologue) Ah ~ evil, I was wrong. I will never go ahead of my husband pastor now.Now I will not regard him as a husband, but as a servant of the Lord.I will not be proud. I will not be stubborn.I will not be luxurious. I will not discriminate against the Saints.Please forgive me once. Please forgive me.
명절날 선물 좋은거 사주는 사람들 그런 사람들 좋아했던 저를 용서해 주세요 . 선물도 받지 마 . 사모들은 아무 것도 받지 마 . 명절에 아무 것도 받지 마 . 그걸 받다 보면 자기도 모르게 사람을 차별하게 돼 . 우리는 아무 것도 받지 않는 다고 얘기해 버려 . 그것 안 받아도 살아 . 그것 받다 보니 욕심이 들어오고 사람을 차별하게 되는거야 .
I like people who bring gifts when it comes to New Year's Day or other national festivals. Forgive me.Do not receive gifts, the minister's wife should receive nothing. If you enjoy receiving gifts, you will discriminate against the saints Without you knowing Without a gift, Jesus makes you live. If you enjoy a gift, you will become a person of greed and a person who discriminates against the Saints.
내가 그랬다구 . 저 사모가 왜 저렇게 욕심이 많아진 줄 알아 ? 저 사모도 나와 똑같은 경우야 . 받다가 보니까 지기도 모르게 욕심이 들어와 버린거야 . 사단이 역습해 버린거야 . 다 나같이 처음에 시작해서 나중에 그렇게 끝나버리는거야 . 사모들은 진짜 정신차려야 돼 . 사모의 자리가 어떤 자리인줄 알아 ? 잘하면 영혼들을 천국으로 보낼 수 있는 자리이고 , 잘못하는 영혼들을 지옥으로 보내고 , 자기도 지옥가는 자리야 .
I did. You know why she's so greedy?That is the same as my case.When she keeps on receiving gifts, she is greedy without knowing it.Because she was counterattacked by Satan.It all starts like me and ends with destruction later.
Pastors' wives must be truly awakened.Do you know how difficult it is to act as a pastor's wife? If you do well, you will send the souls of the saints to heaven, and if you fail, you will send the souls of the saints to hell. As a result, your destiny is divided into heaven and hell.
아차하면 교만해지고 , 아차하면 내 남편 드러내서 자기가 대단한 것처럼 여기는 그럼 자리야 . 그래서 사단의 공격을 피할 수 없어 . 사단의 공격을 가장 쉽게 받는 자리가 사모의 자리라구 . 지옥에 안오려면 정신차려요 . 지옥이 믿어지지 않는 사모들 정신차려요 . 아차하면 사단의 공격을 제일 먼저 받는다고 .
The moment she forgets God's word, she becomes proud. The pastor's wife reveals her husband, but shows herself as a greater person. So the minister's wife is very difficult to avoid the attacks of Satan. The place where Satan's attack is most severe is the position of the pastor's wife.If you do not come to hell, you have to get up.Pastor's wife, who is not believed the realities of hell, Wake up, in your illusion. If you do not wake up, you will receive the attack of Satan first.
( 설명 ) 아우 , 그 더러운 창자를 사모의 입에다 집어 넣어버려 .
(Explanation) Ow, put the filthy intestine into the mouth of the wife.
( 독백 ) 잘못했어요 . 잘못했어요 . 내 맘에 드는 성도들만 좋아했던 것 잘못했어요 .
I was wrong, I was wrong, I only liked the person who adjusted my feelings. I was wrong.
( 설명 ) 새까만 개미들을 입에다 한가득 집어 넣어버려요 . 그런데 개미들이 날카로운 집게가 있어가지고 입안을 다 뜯어 버려요 . 입안에 살점이 뚝뚝 떨어져요 . 혓바닥도 떨어지고 , 입천장도 떨어지고 다 떨어져 버려 . 개미들이 얼마나 살을 잘 뜯는지 . 잇몸을 뜯어니까 이가 다 쑥쑥 빠져버려요 .
(Explanation) Demon poured black ants into her mouth.But the ants have sharp tongs, they tear off the flesh of her mouth. The flesh in her mouth drips. The tongue is falling, the palate is falling, and everything is falling.When ants destroy her gums, all the teeth collapse.
( 독백 ) 너무 아파요 . 너무 아파요 . 한번만 용서해 주세요 . 기회를 줘요 . 이제 잘할게요 .
(Monologue) It hurts so much. It hurts so much. Please forgive me once. Give me a chance. I will do well now.
( 설명 ) 다른 사모가 나와요 . 남편한테 엄청 많이 짜증부리고 화를 많이 내는 사모님이네요 . 남편을 완전히 쥐잡듯 잡는 사모님이에요 . 교회에 가면 현모양처인양 그렇게 다소곳하지만 집에 들어오면 아주 남편을 잡아 버리려요 .
Another pastor's wife is seen. She is too irritable and angry with her husband, and she rolls over her husband. While she is in the church, she looks very educated. But when she returns home, she takes control of her husband and shakes him.
( 독백 ) 잘못했어요 . 어떻게 하면 내가 용서를 받을 수 있나요 ? 나는 남편을 완전히 무시해 버렸어요 . 나의 남편으로 착각하고 내가 마음대로 해도 된다는 그런 식이었어요 . 그래서 뭔가 하나 못마땅하면 집에 와서 다 뒤집어 버렸어요 . 나는 남편이 꼴보기 싫으면 밥도 안해줬어요 .
I was wrong. How can I be forgiven? I completely ignored my husband. I thought only as my husband, and I did what I wanted. While we are outside if the husband does not follow my will . I return home and turn it over. I did not give him a meal when I did not like my husband.
그럴 때 내 남편은 혼자서 라면에 김치 하나 넣고 먹었어요 . 남편은 내가 이러는 것이 교회 성도들에게 알려질까봐 매일 쉬쉬하면서 나의 비위를 맞추었어요 . 남편이 아니라 하나님의 종이었는데 , 남편이 아니라 목사님이었는데 나는 완전히 무시해 버렸어요 . 잘못했어요 . 내가 잘못했어요 .
Then my husband cooked himself ramen noodles, he alone eat ramen and kimchi.I did not provide his meal at all. My husband was very afraid of my actions being known to the Saints.So he kept my private life secret, and he always gave in to my words and covered my mistakes.Before he was my husband, he was first a servant of God, a pastor of the church, But I completely ignored him.Lord, forgive me, I did it wrong.
( 설명 ) 이 사모님은 완전히 개척교회 목사 사모님이에요 . 20-30 명도 안되는 지하교회 사모님이었어요 .
(Explanation) This woman was the wife of a minister of a very small church.The church has about 20-30 members and is a basement church.
( 독백 ) 세를 못내는 나는 남편을 구박했어 . 남편이 무능력해서 성도들이 헌금을 조금 내는 걸로 완전히 무시해 버렸어요 . 돈만 없으면 남편을 달달 볶기 시작했어요 . 세금용지를 막 남편한테 흔들어요 .
이거 보라구 . 이거 어떻게 할거냐고 ? 목사면 다냐고 . 때려치워 버리라고 . 이 세금 어떻게 할거냐고 . 하나님이 살아있으면 이래 ? 우리 세금도 못내게 하냐고 . 다 당신 탓이야 . 당신이 무슨 목사야 . 나가서 차라리 돈이나 벌어와 !”
(Monologue) When there was no rent, I was very depressed to my husband. I thought because my husband was incompetent and that the saints could not offer much.So I completely ignored my husband.If I did not have enough money, my husband was very annoyed. I shake tax Tax bill in front of my husband, and shout out loud.Look at this! How are you going to do this? Do you only have pastor titles? Get rid of the ministry right now,How will this tax be paid? If God is alive, what will he do to us? God does not give us the money to pay taxes.It's all because you are incompetent. What pastor are you?Rather go out into the world and make money! "
남편은 완전히 스트레스에 잡혀있고 나만 보면 노이로제에 걸려버렸어요 . 나는 남편의 입장을 조금도 생각하지 않았어요 . 내 맘대로 완전히 휘둘러 버렸어요 .
애들 등록금은 어떻게 할건데 ? 가서 돈 빌려와 . 그렇게 잘났으면 돈 빌려와 돈 가져와 . 목사를 뭐하러 해 ? 다른 목사들은 돈도 잘 벌던데 . 왜 이렇게 돈도 못 벌어 . 바보같이 . 니가 목사야 ? 돈도 못버는 목사가 목사냐고 ? 나갈 돈이 얼마나 많은데 그래 .”
My husband was completely stressed, and when he saw me, he got neurosis.I did not understand my husband's position at all.Only I wielded my stubbornness to him.What are you going to do to pay for the children? Go out and borrow money, so if you're good you should borrow money too. Why do you have a pastor? Other pastors earn money well. You can not make money. Go out, a silly pastor, a pastor who can not make money? How much money do I have to pay?
그런데 그것이 하나님 앞에서 죄 중의 죄였어요 . 남편이 양을 칠 수 없게 내가 그렇게 만들어 버렸어요 . 남편은 항상 풀이 죽어있고 기가 죽어 있었어요 . 웃음이 완전히 사라진 목사였어요 . 근심과 수심이 가득 찬 목사였어요 . 그런데 무슨 기도를 하겠어요 . 그러니까 성도들이 점점 빠져나가고 나중에는 교회 운영이 너무 힘들어 졌어요 .
My sin was the worst sin in my sins. My husband was always powerless, and laughter completely disappeared. His face was filled with anxiety. How would he pray in such a situation? The Saints have decreased. The ministry was more difficult.
내가 그렇게 만들었어 . 오직 , , , , 돈만 외쳤어요 . 개척교회니까 돈 있는 사람이 어디 있겠어요 ?
남들처럼 큰 교회 한번 해봐라 . 돈 걱정 안하고 살게 . 큰 교회는 돈많은 사람들도 많이 오더니만 . 그렇게 무능력한게 무슨 목사야 ? 때려치워 . 이 세금들을 어떻게 할거야 ? 집세는 어떻게 할거냐고 ? 내가 지겨워서 못살겠어 . 돈만 생각하면 머리가 터질 것 같아 .”
I made the minister so. Only shouted money money. There is no rich man in the new church. Make a big church, let me live without worrying about money, what pastor is incompetent like you? Stop ministry now, tax and building rent How will you solve it? I am too tired to live. I think my head will burst because of money problems.
그렇게 남편에게 눈만 뜨면 , , 하고 , 힘들다고 짜증내고 성질내던 내가 지옥에 떨어졌어요 . 그런 것들이 하나님앞에서 용서받지 못할 죄였어요 . 회개도 안했어요 . 회개라는 걸 몰랐어요 .
I shouted money to my husband every day. I was annoyed by my husband and I fell into hell. My actions are unforgivable sins. I do not repent. I did not know what repentance is.
( 설명 ) . 불이 아래에서 활활 타요 . 허리있는데까지 불이 올라와서 새카맣게 태워버려요 .
Ah ... the fire burns from below. The flames rise to the waist. The fire burns the body black.
( 독백 ) ! 뜨거워 ! 살려줘요 . 내가 잘못했어요 . 이제 남편 무시 안할게요 . 돈타령 안할게요 . 내가 잘못했어요 . 내 몸이 타들어가요 . 나 좀 건져줘요 . 내가 너무 뜨거워서 견딜 수가 없어요 .
여기에 왜 이렇게 사모들이 많이 오는거야 . 지옥에 웬 사모들이 이렇게 많은거야 . 안걸린 사모들이 없나봐 . 사모들이 너무 많아 . 나만 있는게 아냐 . 사모들이 많다는 것은 완전히 자기 멋대로 했다는거야 .
(Monologue) Oh! too hot! Help me. I was wrong. from Now on I will not ignore my husband.I will not complain that I have no money. I was wrong. My body is burning.Please save me. I am so hot that I can not stand it.Why are there so many pastor wives here?There are too many pastor's wives in hell.There is no pastor's wife who does not grumble against her husband! So there are too many pastor's wives here. I'm not the only one here.The fact that the minister's wife is in hell means that they live according to their will.
교회를 하나님의 교회라고 여기지 않았어 . 성도를 하나님의 양떼라고 여기지도 않았어 ! 목사들을 내 남편으로만 여겼던 사모들이 왜 이렇게 많은거야 . 교회를 힘들게 하고 뒤집어 버리는 사모들이 왜 이렇게 많은거야 . 용서받지 못할 사모들이여 . 정신차려요 . 철저하게 회개해요 . 회개만이 살길이야 . 지옥에 떨어지지 않으려면 철저하게 회개하고 돌이켜요 . 철저하게 낮아져요 .
The ministers did not regard the church as the church of God.He did not regard the Saints as the flock of God!They are the wives who have considered the pastor only as their husband.Why are so many of those pastor's wives.Why are so many of the wives who make the church hard and upset?Wives of pastors who can not be forgiven! . Now repent thoroughly.Only repentance is the way to live. Repent thoroughly if you do not fall into hell. Turn from sin. Thoroughly lower yourself.
남편 밑으로 내려가 . 성도들 밑으로 내려가 . 앞장서지 마 . 앞에 나오지 마 . 사모들은 회개해 . 은연중에 얼마나 큰 죄를 짓는지 몰라 . 회개못해서 지옥에 오지 말고 회개해요 . 회개해요 .
지옥에 목사들만 많은게 아냐 . 사모들이 더 많아 . 목사는 사모 단속 못해서 지옥에 떨어지고 , 사모는 목사 쥐고 흔들어서 지옥에 떨어져 . 둘 다 정신차려요 . 철저하게 하나님의 일 잘하려면 사모단속부터 하세요 .
Wives of pastors, go down to your husband. Go down under the saints. Do not lead. Do not be proud everywhere, every pastor's wife must repent. How much is this sin in your life?Pastor's wife comes to hell because she can not repent, now, repent and repent.There are many pastors in hell, but there are more pastors' wives here The pastor falls into hell if he can not control his wife.The wife of the pastor falls into hell because she holds the pastor and shakes it. Both have to be woken up.If the minister is to fulfill his mission well, he must thoroughly control his wife.
사모단속 못하면 그 목회 실패한 목회야 . 성도가 아무리 많아도 실패한 목회야 . 큰 교회 목사들 정신차려요 . 사모단속 못하면 성도들이 수십만 , 수백만 , 수천만이 있어도 실패한 목회야 . 완전히 지옥으로 떨어지거든 . 목사님들 정신차려요 . 사모단속 잘해요 . 눈치보는 목사는 그것으로 끝장이야 . 그 순간 사단에게 쓰임받는 목사들이야 . 하나님의 종이면서 왜 사모의 눈치를 보는거야 .
If the pastor can not control his wife, his ministry has failed.No matter how many saints are, it is a failed pastor.A large church pastor should be woken up.If the pastor can not control his wife, even if the saints are hundreds of thousands, millions, or tens of thousands,It is a failing ministry. It is a ministry that makes everyone to be fell hell.Pastors, get up. Take control of your wife thoroughly.Those who follow the words of his wife rather than the words of God have ended with it.They are ministers used by Satan.Why does the servant of God become servant of his wife?
하나님의 종이 아니기 때문에 사모의 눈치보다가 사모의 종이 되어 버리는 거야 . 사모의 눈치를 보는 목사들 회개해요 . 하나님의 종이 100% 안됐기 때문에 사모의 눈치를 보는거야 . 하나님의 종이라면 사모의 눈치를 볼 이유가 없어 . 목사가 사모의 눈치를 보기 때문에 사단들이 사모를 쓰는거야 . 성도들앞에서는 잘해 주는 척하고 , 뒤에가서는 사모들에게 꼼짝 못하는 목사들이 너무 많아 .
Because he is not a servant of God, he abandons God's will and follows his wife's thoughts.As the pastor follows his wife's thoughts, he becomes a human servant. Pastors who follow the thoughts of their wives . new repent. repent because you are not yet 100% of God's servant, so you are following the words of your wife. If you are a surely God's servant, there is no reason to follow your wife's thoughts. Because the pastor has such weakness, Satan is more likely to use the pastor's wife as his tool. usually, Wives of the pastor do well to the pastor in front of the saints. In the back, however, the wives shake the pastors in their hands.
, , ! 지옥이 진짜 있어요 . 목사님들 , 사모님들 지옥이 진짜 있어요 . 정신차려요 . 지옥이 믿어지지 않으면 계속 사모 눈치봐요 . 지옥이 안 믿어진다면 계속 사모눈치 보다가 지옥에 떨어져요 . 어떤 형벌이 있나 봐요 . 아예 지옥이 믿어지지 않으면 목회하지 마 . 그 영혼들 지옥으로 떨어뜨리니까 아예 목회하지 마 . 차라리 나가서 돈 벌다가 실컷 즐기다가 지옥에 떨어져요 .
Ahhh! Hell is real! !Pastors, pastor's wives! Hell is real! Wake!If the pastor does not believe the reality of hell, he automatically follows his wife's words rather than God's Word. If hell is not believed, the minister is to listen to his wife and fall into hell.Do you know what punishment awaits in hell?If hell is not believed by the pastor, he is better not to minister.The wrong pastor brings other souls to hell.Do not be a pastor at all, go out to earn money and enjoy the world. You have to go to hell alone.The pastor should not go to hell with his saints.
성도들 지옥으로 떨어뜨리지 말고 손 떼어 버려요 . 하나님의 종이 아닌 목사들은 목회에서 손 떼어버려요 .
눈치보는 목사들은 목회하지 마 . 다 지옥오는 거야 . 왜 그런 짓을 해 . 정신차려요 . 목사님들 . 성도들 앞에서 사모의 비위를 맞춰주니까 사모들이 기세등등해지는거야 . 그게 사단의 방법이야 . 성경말씀만 줄줄 외워서 가르치며 뭐해 . 천국과 지옥은 안 믿고 , 사모도 단속못하고 성도들을 다 지옥으로 떨어뜨리는 목사가 무슨 목사야 .
This pastor should no longer send the saints to hell. He must stop his ministry.The slave of his wife can not be ministered.The minister who follows Human thoughts first is not minister.It is to make everyone go to hell. Why do you do that? Be quiet, pastors.Is it better to follow your wife's thoughts before God in the presence of the saints?Your wives become more proud because you do so.That is Satan's way.Teaching only Bible texts is not a ministry.A pastor who does not believe in heaven and hell,He is a pastor who leads the Saints to hell.
생명이 없는 말씀을 가르치면서 무슨 목사야 . 자기 가족 하나 단속하지 못하는게 무슨 목사야 . 하나님의 종이 철저하게 되어야 돼 . 사모의 종이 되면 안돼 . 차라리 사모의 종이라고 이마에 써 붙이고 다녀요 .
It is not a ministry to teach lifeless words.If a pastor can not control his family, it is not a pastor.The minister must be a thorough servant of God.Do not become a wife's servant. if you want to continue such ministry, Do this rather. Write on your forehead as "my wife's servant"
하나님 감사합니다 . 영광받아 주시옵소서 .
Thank God. Please be glorified.
* If you have any questions about this testimony, please contact me. I want to fellowship with all the brothers and sisters in the world in the grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Email: cjdingod @ naver. Com
Phone number: Republic of Korea Seoul 02-2643- 9004
Cell Phone Number: 010-7228-1115
New Life Church / Pastor: Choi Jong-Dae


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